Chad Erickson Park Community Forest
Wheelchair Accessible Treehouse Project
We partners again with Whole Trees and the Chad Erickson Family to bring the community an outstanding asset within the Community Forest at Chad Erickson Park.
The existing park and paved path through the forest are assets to its neighbors. You can see how well loved it is by taking a stroll down the path, soon running into other walkers, rollers and riders enjoying the peaceful 1-mile stretch of trail. Additionally, in 2020, teams worked hard to install an outdoor classroom made from locally sourced boulders, as well as a quiet meditation zone complete with affirmation prompts and a natural timber covered bench.
When the community was polled, there was strong response to continue making the park a spot worth spending time by continuing to add amenities that uplift the neighborhood residents. A nature path was just the first step. Adding other amenities that create equity for its residents is a vital step in enhancing quality of life. ORA Trails would like to see this area continue to flourish, and we are ready to get to work!